Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Reading Road Maps

Road Maps:

Amanda: I absolutely love the musical shifts. It clearly defines the two different stages in your life and amplifies the feelings that you had towards each: growing and learning in your early years, versus energetic and anticipation in your days as a student. You incorporated the most important things in your life (family, friends, experiences and friends) that shaped you into who you are today. The pictures went very well with the captions and quotes – they definitely complimented one another in the best way possible. There were a few grammar mistakes towards the beginning, but nothing that was too distracting from the entire show. Overall, great job.

Chelsey, you are hilarious. I can literally hear you saying the quotes that were used in the road map and it made me laugh out loud several times. My favorite part? Kanine Krunchies, definitely. The video used on that slide was really different than the usual pictures and set me back to when Pongo and Perdita were my best friends too. Your directness is awesome and very effective. “We. Are. Pals.” This line was so great, I have to reiterate: I can hear you saying it and it made me laugh out loud. Et’s be honest, the grand finale was the space cats. AMAZING. So weird…but so perfect. The music, the quptes and the flying cat were each so retro and perfectly fitting. This project was meant to fill everyone in on our lives and get to know our personalities, and yours did just that. You are so chill…typical ChillCat.

Cody: It’s pretty funny reading these after being in the class for more than a few weeks. I definitely feel like I have a tighter grasp of who everyone is – obviously not “who are you” who you is, because as has been impressed upon us, none of us no who ever ourselves are…but you get the picture. From this deeper understanding of each person’s personality, I more connect with these Road Maps, yours in particular. The opening line “…A miracle was born”. At first read, I thought, “Dang…conceited.” But now that I know you, it just made me laugh because it’s completely your personality shining through. There were a few technical issues, (music played and stopped before the show began) but they were insignificant for me. I really enjoyed the quotes from your past, especially the ones from you when you were younger. Hilarious. You did a great job showing who you are and where you came from…you don’t seem to have changed a bit – in a good way.

Patty: Great quote to start with! Who a better poet than him? I really enjoyed the streaming quotes across the ages. Very effective as opposed to the typical captions at the bottom of the page. It’s really obvious that you came from a happy life and jumped right in at UT as a continuation. Great incorporation of quotations. On small thing that I noticed was the inclusion of pictures of people lacking titles. For examples “little ones” – who are they? Besides this small thing, as a whole, your road map was very effective and telling of who Patty Mayorga is.
Ps. You have amazingly gorgeous eyes!

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